Friday, August 26, 2011

Victoria's Birthday

     This won't be a long post, just wanted to show you the cake Victoria made! It was lemon-blueberry, I didn't have any, but it looked WONDERFUL.
So, here ya go.
  Isn't it awesome! She made it herself! I wish I couold find the file with the picture of the side of the cake, she put blueberries diagnolly from eachother, so it looked really cool.
Post on the reactions! Leave a comment! Tell your friends! Byeeee <333

Favorite Music and Videos

'Nuff said.

Beggining Photography

I've started to get into photography. Here are a few picture I've taken, they aren't that good, but I'm getting better.

I got this picture on a very nice cloudy day, I have a lot of cloud pictures.

And these are just a few more. The last picture of my converse boots is my favorite, I took it this morning just before I left for school, some people don't get things like this. I honestly don't know why. I admit it's random, but it's...interesting. Someone explain these thing to me?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My "Pumped Up Kicks"

I'm freaking out. Why? i went to and found out you can make your own converse boots!!!! I'm exploding, I hope I can get my mom to pay half, because they're ninety dollars. :(, I just realized that smily faces are not counted as a misspelling on blogger. This is awesome. Anyways, my shoes are Westfield Colors. I'm so pumped to get them, we're buying my back to school clothes late this year, so yeah. Maybe I can convince my mom to buy these shoes, because. She'll probably pay half of it. If I do all the windows in the house she said she would give me 10 bucks, if I wash all the walls, 15 bucks. Hopefully, what's half of ninety........45. Sorry I suck at math. Anyways, would you like to donate to my cause of getting shoes that are my town's colors???? I'm not kidding please give me money. You know what, I'm just gonna shut up now before my mom comes downstairs and is like 'rawr' and stuff. The shoes have gold laces and are mostly green, you can write your name on the shoes, so I wrote 'Tonks'. I've never been more excited about shoes.
        My brother Daniel is obsessed with shoes, no he's not gay idiot, He has WAYYY to many shoes. I think more than me, and I'm a girl.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

State Fair Stage Collapse.

If you haven't heard, there was a major stage collapse at The Indiana State Fair. I just wanted to inform you that 5 people died, and many were injured. I just want you all to remember to be respectful of this event and even if you don't care about it, it is still safe to go to the fair, and just so you know, the fair is free all day tomorrow. The stage collapse is a horrible event, please go to the fair and honor those who die. I'm deeply, sincerely sorry to anyone who knows the victaims.

Bug Bites??

       Yesterday, we had a bonfire. Of course, I got bug bites. Today my friend showed me the best way to make them not itch.
       Make sure you have band-aids and toothpaste on hand. Tae the band-aid and put some toothpaste on it, it doesn't take a lot at all. Then just put the band-aid on your bug bite/s. Leave it for 3-5 hours. If you leave it for a full day it will wear down the bug bite mostly. This really works, I have toothpaste on my legs right now. Bug bites suck.
       Goodbyeeeee! <3

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Do I have a habit??

I think I'm stressing about going back to school. I used to have this weird habit where I would pull out my hair and there was a point where it was getting ridiculus. I literally had a bald spot on the back of my head. I willed myself to spot enough to do so. But I think I've started again due to stress about going back to school. This habit wasn't that long ago.
    Anyways, on a more entertaining note, my sister is home to celebrate her birthday, she's with 5 other friends right now discussing hair and eating a cake. My brother and I didn't really get her anything, so we sort of winged it. We gave her a card and that was pretty much it. i put the cat in a bag and carried her downstairs, but she jumped out of the bag before I could say I had gotten her a present. Lol. I just realized how weird that was to put into a blog post.
    If you're ever very bored with your friends, here's the best game ever. Go to the dining room/kitchen table and kneel on the florr and put your chin on the table. Make sure you have a ping pong ball, a cup, a soda can, etc. Something round that will roll when you  blow on it. Put it on the table. Then count down until you want to start, and start blowing it around the table. You can eliminate people or you can just play until your bored. It's fun, the goal is to not let it go off the table by yourself.
  Hope you become most entertained by this game, goodbye, I love Voldemort, Sirius, Harry, Ron, Hermonie, Ginny, Mrs.Weasley, Ollivander, Mr.Weasley, and alot more other people, but aI think I mostly love Voldemort and that guy out there named Steve. BYEEEEEE <3